Arabian Sand Tours Services tagged posts


Guest’s experiencing the Rub al Khali with Arabian Sand Tours Services Team,

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Colors of stones ….

Beside the sunny side of Dhofar, there are also the colors of the stones that are a pleasure for the eye.

The geode, spherical, hollow, inside beautifully crystallized….still for geologists a wonder how they were formed…

With the rays of the sun the stones of ‘Sumhuram, the archaeological site,’ a highlight to visit and a highlight during the ancient Frankincense trade, becomes radiant….


Stones as fire, ancient meeting place for the Bedouins, for tea and meat…

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Colors of Sand….

Touring through the eco-tones of Dhofar, in the south of Oman, you are invited to join…

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Quarter of emptiness

Longing for solitude, stillness, silence, Than is the Rub al Khali, the quarter of emptiness, your place …

Longing for solitude, stillness, silence…
Or longing for more adventure….Than the ‘Rub al Khali,’ the quarter of emptiness is your place…

Or longing for more adventure....then the Rub al Khali is your place....

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A good start for touring around….and for the festival coming up

Khareef features cows (1024x768)

In Salalah, the mountains are green, flowers are blossoming, the temperature is about 27 degree Celsius. This magical event is caused by the south-west monsoon also called the Khareef. For touring around to the places that you want to see, the Arabian Sea Villas nearby the city-center and on the crossroad for touring to the east and the west are good start….certainly when you want to visit the yearly Salalah Tourism Festival, the former Khareef festival.

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Read the full article….In Search of Empty Quarter….

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Arabiansandtoursservices mentored BBC documentary 2014 ( click thumbnail to read the full article )


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